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奔驰AMG GT50 升级velocita-VE智能5G全段排气系统

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案例提供者: Velocita排气系统 改装件报价:暂无报价

男人对于超跑的爱不必赘述,但如果问有过超跑驾驶经验的人最怕什么那么堵车一定能排进前三,轰鸣的引擎,硬的近乎神经质的悬挂,再加上顿挫感极强的变速箱,灵敏异常的油门自然也难逃其咎。与车外高光时刻同时进行的是你备受折磨的腰椎间盘。这也是为什么那些坐拥百万超跑的家伙们很少用它来代步的原因。然而自从AMG GT50发布之后,超跑的高光时刻和舒适的驾驶体验可以兼得了。

Men's love for super running doesn't need to be recounted, but if you ask people who have experience in super running what they are most afraid of, then traffic jams will definitely rank in the top three. Roaring engine, hard almost neurotic suspension, coupled with the gearbox with strong sense of stumbling, the sensitive and abnormal accelerator will inevitably be blamed. At the same time as the high light outside the car is your suffering lumbar disc. That's why the guys who run millions of races rarely use it as a substitute. However, since the release of AMG GT50, the highlight time and comfortable driving experience of super running can be combined.无处不从容纯正赛道基因、独特的跑车设计、强劲的动力表现和极高的豪华性,是AMG“赛道豪华”的完美代表,前脸依旧像AMG GT那样“凶狠”只是,切换到声音最响的模式,气势依旧与这辆狂暴猛兽不匹配,因此,选择一套排气系统很重要,It's the perfect representative of AMG's "circuit luxury". The front face is still as fierce as AMG GT. Just switch to the mode with the loudest sound, and the momentum still doesn't match this raging beast. Therefore, it's very important to choose a set of exhaust system,接下来,就带大家一起欣赏一台奔驰AMG GT50的改装案列,让你真正感受到完美的声浪!Next, I will take you to enjoy a Mercedes Benz AMG GT50 refitting case, so that you really feel the perfect sound wave!Velocita(VE)排气系统将为您带来“阀门开启声浪炸街,阀门关闭安静行走”做到动静皆宜,安排有度。即使在静止不动的瞬间也能让您感受到那种油然而生的奔放!Velocita (VE) exhaust system will bring you "the sound of opening the valve, blasting the street, closing the valve, walking quietly" so that you can be both dynamic and static. Even in the static moment can let you feel that kind of spontaneous unrestrained!原厂控制,抛弃繁琐遥控器,阀门开启,声浪炸街;关闭阀门,悦人心脾。让你感受到动静皆宜的体验感。The original factory controls, discards the tedious remote control, the valve opens, the sound wave explodes the street; closes the valve, pleases the human heart and spleen. Let you feel the experience of moving and static.

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